1 module
Course Length
25 mins
Example Learner
20 May 2022
$60.00 AUD

From full-time employees and contractors to interns and volunteers, 'Workers' or 'Non-Company Officers' play a pivotal role in keeping your company compliant under the new WHS Act
Get your Workers up to speed with their duties, penalties and personal liability in this 25-minute online course.
Who should take this course?
- Employees (including managers and supervisors)
- Subcontractors and casual workers
- Employees of a contractor or subcontractor
- Employees of a labour hire company
- Outworkers
- Apprentices or trainees
- Volunteers
- Students on work experience
International award-winning author and qualified lawyer, Greg Smith, will take your Workers through:
- Personal Liability for Non-Company Officers
- Duties and Penalties
- Case Studies of recent prosecutions and how they would be treated under the WHS Act
- Health and safety system implementation
- What it means for Workers
- What can you do?
- Frequently asked questions
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion
WHS Act with Greg Smith: Personal Liability for Workers
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